Dr. Samuel Hahnemann's Oath

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann's Oath

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann
          " I swear by Hahnemann, the great physician and all the Gods and Goddesses, making them my witness, that all sincere attempts to fulfill this oath according to the best of my abilities and judgement, till the last minute of my life."       
           "I shall consider myself as a physician obliged to practice according to the teachings of Homoeopathy and to  watch over the life and health of my fellow beings. May the love of my art actuate me at all times. I shall regard my teacher, who has taught me this art, equal to my parents."
          " I shall never see in the patients anything but a fellow being in pain and suffering. I shall consider him sick in body, mind and spirit. I treat him and will advice dietic, hygienic and preventive measures for his benefits according to the best of my knowledge and judgement."
           " I will always administer drugs which are prepared according to the instructions laid down in Organon. I will never give any drug which can destroy life, even if asked for it, nor will I suggest  it to anyone. Similarly, I will avoid giving a woman any abortive drug unless it is absolutely necessary. No thirst for fame, nor passion for great reputation will engage my mind or depart me from my path."
           " I will always exert for the benefit of sick, whoever patient comes to me. I will always remain free from prejudices and desist from negligence and all mischief, in particular, from sexual relations with male or female, either in bond or free."
          " I will never disclose any of the facts that  I may hear during the course of treatment or even outside the treatment, to anyone, on no account .In this way no evil harm or injustice will be done by me to anyone during his or her life."
           "I will always have an open mind. I will correct, what I have acquired and if necessary extend its domain. I will develop spirit of indefinite limits to acquire knowledge. I will cultivate the vision to discover the errors of yesterday, to appreciate what  I have today and to get the glimpses of the new light  of  tomorrow."
           "Oh Lord, If, I fulfil this oath and do not violate it in any respect, I may be granted strength, time  and opportunity  to fulfil my  ideal. May I  be allowed to enjoy life  and the  art  of Homoeopathy, and be honored by my fellow beings eternally."
          " If I digress and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be in my fate."
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann's Oath Dr. Samuel Hahnemann's Oath Reviewed by Dr.Satishkumar on November 06, 2011 Rating: 5

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