Hydrogenoid Constitution

    Hydrogenoid Constitution

     "No knowledge is perfect unless it includes an understanding of the origin, that is , the beginning ;and as all man's diseases originates in his constitution ,it is necessary that his constitution should be known if we wish to know his diseases."


Hydrgenoid constitution:

What is hydrogenoid?

           Hydro means water so the persons who are sensitive to water or affected by water in any condition they get some signs and symptoms. These patients are known to be hydrogenoid constitution.

Waterfall: Bath in water

The aggravation of symptoms or increase of symptoms is indicated by '<'

            <   in cold 
            <   damp weather 
            <   in the rain 
           <   by everything which in any way increases the atoms of water in the                   organism by baths 
            <   mineral bath 
            <   simple water bath 
            <   eating of animals which have living in water as fishes etc.
            All diseases in such constitutions are increased by cold also by cold and cooling food and drinks e.g. Sour milk, hard eggs ,cucumbers and mushrooms but chiefly by living near water and especially standing water.

River water
River water

           Diseases has occurred in such a bodily constitution in the Periodicity of its phenomenon and chiefly in its irregular and paroxysmal course.

     In cases where there is a combination of the Hydrgenoid and carbonitrogenoid constitution , the Hydrgenoid must be cured first and then theoretically carbonitrogenoid. This corresponds with Dr. Hahnemann's directions regarding Sycosis and Psora. Sycosis is to be deal first [ Same applies to Vaccincosis --Dr.J.H.Clark ]

Rain drops
Rain drops on a rose

Remedies :
          These substances must be curative of it which prevent the influence of the water on the blood and here above all other Glauber's salt i.e. Nat.Sulph.

          Since in this constitution in which Hydrogen frequently seems to have used the place of Nitrogen the problem is not only to diminish the influence of hydrogen but where it is possible to preserve at the same time tissues rich in nitrogen, Nat Sulph. recommends itself all the more as Prof.Seegen has given experimental proof that by its action the exchange of the nitrogenous tissue elements is curtailed, the animal body becomes richer in nitrogenous atoms, gelatinous and here albuminous bodies and that during the use of Nat Sulph the elements of the body free from nitrogen and especially the fatty tissues are more freely exchanged.

             Nat nitric , Nat carb ,Nat acet, Ammonia Mur.
     More ever in this series we may mention as nutrition remedies Cal.Carb,Mag.Carb,Mag. Phos,and Silicea.

        Then for other reasons added Iodine, Bromine, Chlorine, Nit.Acid, Borax, Antimony, Alumen, Thuja, Carb.veg, Arnica, Aranea didema, Puls, Nux Vom in alternation with Ipecac or with Arsenic ,Conium, Apis, Spigelia and animal food.
Hydrogenoid Constitution Hydrogenoid Constitution Reviewed by Dr.Satishkumar on July 11, 2012 Rating: 5


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