Constutions of Grauvogl

          "For every organ and every tissue breaths,and if the lungs are the gateway and the blood the carrier, it is the tissues which are the ultimate recipients of the oxygen that is inbreathed." 
 Grauvogl divided the constitutions in 3 groups.

1. The Hydrogenoid constitution is characterised by an excess of Hydrogen and consequently of water in the blood and tissues.
2. The Oxygenoid  is characterised by an excess of Oxygen or at least by an exaggerated influence of oxygen on the organism.
3. The  Carbonitrogenoid constitution is characterised by an excess of Carbon and Nitrogen.

          The Hydrogenoid constitution corresponds closely with  Hahnemann's  Sycosis but it covers a much wider area and is not by any means confined to the acquired or inherited results of gonorrhoeal infection. Intermittent fevers and peroidicity come within its shere.
         At the present time Vaccinosis or the constitutional sufferings from cowpox infection should certainly be included under this heading. The antidotal relation of Thuja which is one of Grauvogl's principle remedies for the Hydrogenoid is a clear indication that this is so.
            The Oxygenoid constitution corresponds to Hahnemann's Syphilis but  we have no examples of its treatment as we have of others two.
             The Carbonitrogenoid constitution is Hahnemann's Psora.
Constutions of Grauvogl Constutions of Grauvogl Reviewed by Dr.Satishkumar on July 09, 2012 Rating: 5

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