Acute case of diarrhoea

      Useuly,Homoeopathy is used in chronic patients specially in India or rather I say patients who suffered from chronic disease and they don't get relife by means of Allopathy only then they came to Homoeopath in most cases.
     In acutes, some patients came to homeopaths and in cases some Homoeopaths are not wiling to give homoeopathy due to lack of confidance as they themselves feel that homoeopathy will not act or work in acutes.But some of Homoeopaths are using Homoeopathy in acutes as well.
  Recently, I had treated a case with Sil.200.A little girl of 21 months of age having severe diarrhoea freqently for 7-8 times in a day and 2-3 times at night with 3 times vomitting.She came in my clinic with her parents on 3 rd day.The parents told me history that the stools are watery like light milk and it has very bad odour.The stools are sometimes light greenish in nature.
     On first instance, I was thinking Merc,Rheum,Sili,Podo,Aloes.For selection I need either more symptoms or some PQRS.So I asked them what type of odour ?Could you explain me what type of smell it was,then they replied me like smell of rotten eggs .This is very peculiar type of symptom.So afer analysis of the case,I decied to give Silicea 200 for every half hour and told to give me follow up after 3-4 hours.
        After 6 hours, I had a phone call from patient's mother that the patient is now stable and she had passed only once normal stool and no vimitting since medicines were given. As patient is improved much I told the mother give sil 200 now onwords for single time for 2 more days and then stop the medicine.
     The above case shows us that Homoeopathy is not only work in chronic but in acutes also.So I will suggest to use the Homoeopathy in a ute with confident. In next bolgs I will diacuss more cases of acutes till then bye bye...

Acute case of diarrhoea Acute case of diarrhoea Reviewed by Dr.Satishkumar on June 10, 2012 Rating: 5

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