Different Editions of Organon of Medicine

Different Editions of Organon of Medicine

         Homoeopathy was discovered in the year 1790 by Dr. Christian Fredrich Samuel Hahnemann. He disclosed his discovery to the world in the year 1796, through An Essay On A New Principles for Ascertaining The Curative Power of Drug' published in Hufeland's Journal. Although this therapeutic law of nature known to the world in theory much before Hahnemann but it was Hahnemann who established it as system of medicine. It was who discovered and explained the other related laws connected to this system of treatment.

Organon Of Medicine : Dr. Samuel Hahnemann
Organon Of Medicine : Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

First edition (1810):
         The first edition of the Organon of Medicine was published in the year 1810. Hahnemann had great trouble in getting this book into print but with the help of a publisher friend Arnold of Dresden and with the financial aid from a grateful patient. He somehow managed to get it published. The original title that is (in German) was "Organonder Rationellum Heilkunde” that is Organon of the Rational Art of Healing." On the cover paper of the book he had an excerpt of a poem by Gellert.
                             “ The truth we mortals need,
               Us blest to make and keep,
                               The All-wise slightly covered over,
              But did not bury deep."
        This very stanza had also previously been used in his Medicine of Experience which was published 5 years ago. The first edition contained 259 aphorisms which had much more in next editions.

Second Edition (1819):
           The second edition which was published in the year 1819 had a picture of Hahnemann shown sitting with a pen in his hand. It was an augmented edition. The title was changed to Organon of Healing Art and the stanza of Gellert was replaced by two words. ‘Aude sapare’ which meant dare to be wise. In this edition we see a lot of criticisms of the allopathic system of medicine. It had 59 aphorisms more than the 1st edition. In all, it had 318 aphorisms.

 Third Edition (1824):
          The third edition was published in 1824. This was an improved edition. It had two aphorisms more than the previous edition. It contained 320 aphorisms. This was published by Hahnemann during his stay at Koethen.

Fourth Edition (1829):
          This edition was also written by Hahnemann during his stay at Koethen and published in 1829. It contained 292 aphorisms. In this edition, Dr.Hahnemann introduced a new theory, a theory on which he had been working for a number of years, the theory of chronic Diseases. After 39 years of exhaustive research experiments and experience he was led to conclude that cause of the chronic diseases were the chronic miasms.  There are 3 main types of chronic miasms that is Psora, syphilis and sycosis. Psora is most vital. Psora is a form by Non-venereal disease. Syphilis and Sycosis are responsible for the diseases of venereal origin.

Fifth Edition (1833):
          It was published in the year 1833. This was the last edition which was published during the life of Hahnemann. In this edition, he introduced two new doctrines, Doctrine of Vital force and Doctrine of Drug potentisation. This edition contained 294 aphorisms. This edition is the most perfect of all editions and Dr. Hahnemann himself is said to have made this remark.

Sixth Edition (1921):
           The sixth edition was published in the year 1921. There has been a great amount of controversy regarding this particular edition as this edition was published 78 years after the death of Hahnemann.  It is said that Hahnemann's second wife Madame Marie Helanie d'Hervilly made some changes on her own in this edition because some of points which appear to be changed in this edition are very much deviated from mode of thinking of Hahnemann. The main point controversy was on the Theory of Repetition of doses.  This edition contains 291 aphorisms. In the sixth edition the name of vital force was changed to vital energy or the principle of life.

Different Editions of Organon of Medicine Different Editions of Organon of Medicine Reviewed by Dr.Satishkumar on October 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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