Homoeopathy and Bach flower remedies

Homoeopathy and Bach flower remedies
Homoeopathy and Bach flower remedies are used simultaneously by some Homoeopaths all over the world.I am also used Bach flower medicines in some patients which is required specialy in which mental symptoms are present.
I had a male patient of 35 years having problems with her wife.Actually his wife had come to me due to her husband is very irritable in nature.He is very introverted and egoistic also.Due to this ,the couple always qurreling.Basically Husband is lowyer by professional but in his professational life he is not successful so he had become very angry in nature.He has fear of failure,very jealosy about his friends and slowly gets into depression.So his wife wants help for both.After case taking I worked out the case and give him Lyco 1M for 7 days as single dose daily.On next 3 follow ups patient is improving.Then I am waited for one and half months then noticed that the patient is further improved but not that much which was expected so I had restudy the case and decided to give Bach flower remedy with Homoeopathy.So I had given him Imptient,Holy and Vine all in 30 potency taken 10 drops in half cup of water for 2 months .During his wife is giving very positive feedback to me that the patient is getting in life,his anger came down,he became confident in himself and so on.The patient had totaly cured in 7 months and they are now happy couple enjoying there life.
This is the my first experience with the use of Bach flower remedies.
Homoeopathy and Bach flower remedies Homoeopathy and Bach flower remedies Reviewed by Dr.Satishkumar on April 18, 2012 Rating: 5

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