Discovery Of Homoeopathy

             In 1790, when Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was translating Cullen's Materia Medica' from English to German, he came across a statement that the Cinchona bark cures malaria fever because it is bitter in taste. Hahnemann thought that if this statement is true, then there is so many other bitter substances which should be able to cure malaria. But, this was untrue. So for his knowledge, one fine morning with empty stomach he took 4 drams of cinchona bark (Peruvian bark) twice a day and to his surprise be got typical symptoms of malaria fever like Chill, Heat and perspiration. He also experimented on his friends and relatives like wise he also experimented in other drug substances.
             His experiments convincing him that this medicine cure disease because they can produce similar diseases or symptoms in a person. So this law state that a drug capable of producing in a healthy person a diseased state exactly similar to that observe in a diseased person acts as curative agents. (in curable diseases) This law expresses curative relationship between the disease and drug (that is symptom similarity. Thus, the law of 'Similea Similibus Curentur' is discovered in 1790 and Dr. Hahnemann in the year 1796 declared to it to the world by publishing an article "AN ESSAY ON A NEW METHOD FOR ASSERTING THE CURATIVE POWER OF DRUG''.
               After this period many translations were published by Dr. Hahnemann. In 1792, King Kaiseh Leopard Second was died because of blood litting and when Dr. Hahnemann treating the King. Then be arrives Gotha and works in mental Hospital. He was very much disgusted with the treatment given to patients before he found Homoeopathy. We find that he was one of the earliest scientist who first advocated and the treatment for those patients with mildness. He writes “I never allow any insane person to be punished by blows or other painful procedure science. There can be no punishment where there is no sense of responsibility and ultimately such patients will not be improved but will become more worst with such rough treatment.
               Dr. Hahnemann's first writing concerning Homoeopathy say on ' A new principle for asserting the curative power of drug’ and some examination of previous principle appeared in the Hufeland Journal. This was the year 1796 where the word Homoeopathy was written first time and thus Homoeopathy declared to world in 1796.
             During 1801, he witnessed a severe epidemic of scarlet fever and homoeopathy gained success with use of Belladonna in small doses as preventive of scarlet fever. Prussian Government orders all doctors to use Belladonna in small doses as a preventive of scarlet fevers.
           In 1805, Dr. Hahnemann starts Homoeopathic practice and soon acquires good practice. Then came first edition of Organon Of Medicine in the year 1810. Later Dr. Hahnemann elicited studies to attend a six month course in Homoeopathy. At that time, a monthly journal against homoeopathy titled Anti-Organon was started. Some doctors tries to appose very strongly the process of Homoeopathy. A case was filed as the dispensing of own medicine which was hot allowed at that time and ultimately Dr. Hahnemann was asked to stop his preparation of medicine by law in 1820.
               At the same time general officers commanding of the civilized armies against Napolin came to Dr. Samuel Hahnemann as a patient  of paralysis. He improved for some time. But allopathic doctors continued his treatment and he himself in strong alcoholic drinks. Dr. Hahnemann stopped his treatment on prince and due to alcoholism prince died subsequently Dr. Hahneman was severely criticized by allopathic for the opponents of the Hahnemann and Homoeopathy. Some doctors tried to drive Dr. Hahnemann to intensity attach against him and tired drive him from Leipzig by force. This try to cheating to Dr. Hahnemann who was at the its peak.
               In 1821, the Duke of Koethen came to Dr.Hahnemann as a patient. He felt better immediately by homoeopathy and then Dr. Hahnemann become citizen of Koethen. He build two stories building. Then Homoeopathic physicians were allow by a royal degree to dispense their own medicines. Some of the allopathic doctors were converted into the Homoeopathy.
                Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was basically occupied with chemistry and comes in contact with Hessler's pharmacy and become acquainted with his step daughter Henriente Leopalline Kuechler. Hahnemann married with her at the age of 27 years. He wrote his first book which deals with the experience of medical practice. He was tired with old school of medicine. Then Dr. Hahnemann started to study of Chemistry and literature. He gave a wonderful paper on "Arsenic poisoning”. His first wife died on 31 March 1830. Cholera invaded the countries of Western Europe and Homoeopathy acquires fame by treatment of Cholera. Even the 1st Homoeopathic Hospital of 24 beds was started at this period.
               Dr. Hahnemann married with Madam Melanie Hervilly at the age of 80. Dr. Hahnemann produced five editions of Organon in his life time. He died on 2nd July 1843 when still at work. He died due to bronchial problems. He gave to the world such a gift that no man give. He lead down his life so that others would be served.
            Dr. Samuel Hahnemann died on 2nd July 1843 at the age of 88 years, two months and 22 days old. Madam Melanie kept her husband's body in the house. On the raining morning of July 1843, she was buried him without any ceremony in the cemetery of Montmortre Hill the grave remain unmarked and unattended for 55 years.
Montmortre hill
Montmortre Hill Now, Paris

              In the October’s volume of the Hahnemann monthly on 1896 T. L. Bradford published adatalised report on the basis of professor Hoff's information about the neglect of. Dr. Hahnemann grave in Montmortre Hill. Already on 11th June 1896 the faculty of Hahnemann college in  Philadelphia through professor Flat had paid the some Hundred and ten Franks and the grave was put in order.
          On the 24th May 1898 at 8.30 am. Hahnemann's grave was exhumed and his coffin that a Madam Melanie was transferred to Pere Lachaise the best lachaise the best known and beautiful country in Paris, the resting place of many famous men. After two years on 21st July 1900 a monument was fitted there.

père lachaise cemetery
Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris

père lachaise cemetery
Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris

            On Thursday, the 21st June Dr. Samuel Hahnemann's impressive statue in Washington U.S.A. was unvilled.          
             In Leipzig, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann’s statue was dedicated on 10th August 1851 and 10th April 1855, Hahnemann’s monument in the gardens of Lutris Hospital was open to public.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann’s first wife:
                 Dr. Hahnemann was basically occupied with Chemistry and comes in contact with Hesslers. Pharmacy and became acquainted with his step daughter Johna Henrinetle Leopoldline Kuechler. Hahnemann married with her at the age of 27 years. Dr. Hahnemann's first wife after nearly 48 years of happily married life and mother of his 11 children died on 31st March 1830.
               "Behind every greate man, there is a great women” is an old saying. And this great woman Henrinetle Leopalline offered Hahnemann Company solace and undisturbed private life in the face of miseries, extreme poverty and forments of more or less. named life. She had been with him through the danest of highly when he needed her most and she left him alone , when the night started giving place to sucess, recognisation and glorry.
               She managed her husband and the education of her children alone and thus, Hahnemann could devote himself exclusively to his library and medical occupations. Here contribution to the career of Hahnemann's is immense. But when the sunsine of glory and material comfort came in Hahnemann’s life , she was not there to enjoy and share. In her life of 67 years she had none of comforts which later came in Hahnemann’s life and his family.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann’s second wife:
      For 4 years after the death of Hahnemann's first wife Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was cared and protected by his daughter's and when the smiles of the goddness of fortune lucky many Melanie De Hervilly came to a consult to Dr. Hahnemann for her skin complaints she was an artist and poetry , rich and famous. She was attracted to the genius and her age was 35 years . Dr. Hahnemann married second time on the new year day of 1835. Madam Melanie whose name was to be closed linked with little later history of Homoeopathic brought Dr. Hahnemann to France in June 1835.
             Madam Melanie has been created cunning and selfish nature. After putting Hahnemann into ordinary grave at Montemortre. She conveniently forgot him. She continued her practice of Homoeopathy and manged to get diploma from Herning Institution in U.S.A. But in 1846, French Government brought an action against her for unlawful practice of Homoeopathy in July 1857.
              She arranged the marriage of her adopted daughter Sophte Bohrer with the son of Dr. Von Boenninghausen and continued practice of Homoeopathy in the name of her son-in-law of Dr. Carl Boenninghausen. But this two has to be discontinued as the couple left for Germany and did not return.
           For the unpublished writing and case records of Dr. Hahnemann, Madam Melanie demanded 50,000 dollars from Homoeopaths and she continued the enormous sum till her death. She had to end her days in active work and bad to more to smaller house and to sell some of her picture for existence. She died on 27th May 1898. her coffin was returned with that of her celebrated husband and was finally put in Pere Lechaise of the foot of coffin containing Dr.Samuel Hahnemann.

Discovery Of Homoeopathy Discovery Of Homoeopathy Reviewed by Dr.Satishkumar on September 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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