Life History of Dr. SAMUEL HAHNEMANN

Life History of Dr. SAMUEL HAHNEMANN

          Homoeopathy was discovered, elaborated and worked out by Dr. CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH SAMUEL HAHNEMANN, a German physician during his life from 1795 to 1843.

Dr.Samuel Hahnemann
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

                  The Founder of Homoeopathic system of medicine, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was born on April 10, 1755, in beautiful town, Meissen in upper Saxony was located on the little river Meisse, near its junction with the Stately Elbe in the Germany in the night between 10th and 11th April. But, according to some medical Registers the birth date is 11th April 1755 early morning. But Dr. Samuel Hahnemann himself in his Biography written that he was born on 10th April 1755. So the 10th April is celebrated as Homoeopathic Day throughout the world.

Saxony and River Elbe,Meissen, Germany
Saxony and River Elbe, Meissen, Germany


Christop Hahnemann was grandfather of Samuel Hahnemann. His father Christian Gottfried Hahnemann was a designer in a porcelain manufacturer at Meissen. Hahnemann's father was poor man therefore he could not afford to send him to school. Although Hahnemann did not going to school in his early days, they did not stop him from getting education. He got his
early education at home from his father and mother, Johanna Christiana. As a child, he was taught to think independently.
His Father gave him a lesson and roused his curiosity for the knowledge.

River Elbe Castle ,Meissen, Germany
River Elbe Castle ,Meissen, Germany


                       At the age of 13, in 1767, he was admitted to a school. He turned out to be very brilliant and intelligent student. He had worked his way into the hearts of all his teachers. He showed a lot of interest in Chemistry and Botany. His love for Botany was to great that he made his own Herbarium. He was linguist and it was this great flair for languages that saw his through his harder days to life. Seeing his great command over languages , he was asked by his teacher of his school to his fellow students to learn the Greek and Latin languages. Later he learn about 8 to 14 languages and had working knowledge of each of them & 7 can write properly. Dr Samuel Hahnemann profited & notwithstanding his father's Prohibition to study be pursued his strong inclination to do so in spite of all opposition and on many on occasion when it was thought he was sound asleep, he was consuming the midnight oil over his books, in a lamp which he had himself constructed out of clay, as he was apprehensive being discovered had he used on of the household candlestick. This shows that the how genius Hahnemann was ! in his childhood.At that time the condition of his father was very poor. His father removed him the school and set him to some less intellectual work several times. But at length restored him to his favorite studies at the earnest request of his teacher who to meet the pecuniary difficulty without remuneration. 
                     At the age of 20, in 1775 he left for Leipzig for higher studies of Medicine. Twenty Thalers, currency at that time the only patrimony be received and his father's blessing. At Leipzig, he earned his bread and butter by teaching French and German languages to the students. From Leipzig, he went to Vienna for more medical study. He entered the hospital of Brothers of Mercy. He had the good fortune to secure the friendship of Dr. Von Guarin who treated him like a son. He gave all his knowledge to Dr Samuel Hahnemann which required for the art of medicine. After one year and five month he went to Erlangen to complete his studies. He took his M.D. degree from Erlangen University in 1779. The subject of the thesis was "A CONSIDERATION OF THE ETIOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS OF SPASMODIC AFFECTIONS”

Lipzig University
Leipzig University

State of Medicine when Dr.Samuel Hahnemann was practicing 

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann began his practice in Hettstedt in the country of Mansfeld. At that time, there was 'Blood Lettingprocess was applying for cure the diseases by externally leaches which absorb the blood. By this method, patient got many other problems & pain which resulted to become weak. Dr. Hahnemann practiced Allopathy for few years, but be was dissatisfied within prevailing system of medicine. He was always thought that the method which he use to treat the patient was correct or wrong or by applying this method. Patient got comfortable or got some pains. On this thought, he always use to say that “My patient would be always better without me than with me". What he meant was that the patient will never cure & never get permanent relief with the dissimilar mode of treatment.

Life History of Dr. SAMUEL HAHNEMANN Life History of Dr. SAMUEL HAHNEMANN Reviewed by Dr.Satishkumar on September 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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